Friday, November 21, 2008

thoughts for the weekend...

Happy Friday everyone!

So I've been wondering how long do you listen to a song before you decide whether or not you like it? Or if you're listening to the radio, how long before you change stations? I'll listen to a song all the way through at least once (with few exceptions), but I can generally tell whether or not I will like it in the first 12 seconds or 6 measures. Maybe even less. Call me hasty or rash, but more often than not my initial reaction will mirror my final one. To test this I played my library on shuffle and listened to only the first 10 seconds of each song - it was hugely frustrating because the songs I liked had me hooked in the first 10 seconds. The ones I didn't, I could easily pass over.

Try for yourself. How long do you take passing initial judgment?

It reminds me of the psychological study of first impressions that suggests people make up their minds about those they meet for the first time within two minutes.

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