Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Anatomy of a Song

Don't know exactly where I got this idea, but it was fun coming up with these. Here are 10 anatomical songs...

1. A Rush of Blood to the Head - Coldplay
2. Your Eyes Open - Keane
3. Bite My Tongue - Relient K*
4. The Damage In Your Heart - Weezer
5. Lungs Speed, Lungs Sped - Brooke Waggoner
6. Love in Your Arms - Eleventyseven
7. I Want to Hold Your Hand - The Beatles
8. We Won't Need Legs to Stand - Sufjan Stevens
9. Trampled Under Foot - Led Zeppelin
10. Soul Meets Body - Death Cab for Cutie

*there is also the album "The Anatomy of The Tongue In Cheek" by Relient K

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