Saturday, May 2, 2009

Really, Dell? Really?

I follow Ingrid Michaelson on Twitter, and today I noticed she put up an interesting tweet: "wow...someone ripped off my song "BE OK"... wow ..."

In case you haven't actually heard the real version of "Be OK," here's the video:

Be OK - Ingrid Michaelson

Hmm...sound similar? I'd say so.

A couple hours after her first tweet, Ingrid wrote, "
i am not opposed to putting songs in commercials. but the artist should be able to say yes or no. blatantly copying a song is wrong." Doesn't sound like too much to ask to me.


Anonymous said...

I wouldnt expect this from such a big company like Dell. VERY lame! Ingrid writes some of the most original songs i've heard of, and the chances whoever did this commercial made the same opening melody/bass line (basically whole song with minor edits...)merely on coincidence is um ya.. VERY slim lol

Katie said...

I was totally surprised by Dell too. I know times are tough and all, but I think they could afford to pay Ingrid for her music. Very strange.

Kyle said...

Apparently using twitter to get the message out worked, because the commercial with the song is no longer on Dell's website or the internet at all (as far as I could find).