Sunday, April 5, 2009

Have You Heard...

I heard Meiko's "Boys with Girlfriends" on the radio literally five minutes ago. Googled the lyrics, looked her up on imeem, and decided to blog about her. Her self-titled album came out in September 2008. Though I've only heard one and half tracks, I can tell I already like it.

I was struck by the practical advice of "Boys with Girlfriends." Meiko seems to says in hindsight, "I know better not to be friends with boys with girlfriends." As a fan of a tongue-in-cheek, bitter tunes, I knew I'd like whoever this was. It wasn't just her lyrics though--Meiko has a beautiful voice, and the tune is catchy and upbeat.

Don't take it from me though; give her a listen:

Boys With Girlfriends - Meiko

RIYL: Ingrid Michaelson, Sara Bareilles, Kate Nash

1 comment:

Kyle said...

Thanks for the awesome recommendation. I also discovered on wiki her name is pronounced "MEE-ko". I hope she makes it to Spokane!